*Be aware that this bag displays some stitching imperfections which can be seen by zooming in our photos. Therefore there has been a reduction in the price. These bags are handmade and small flaws and imperfections are part of their character.
Banjara, also known as Lambadi and Vanjara, are a nomadic tribe from northern India. These colourful bags are inspired by this tribe, who honour their heritage and culture with colourful handmade items. They love to decorate their items with shells, mirrors, and intricate embroidery. These Indian made bags are pretty unique as not often will you find 3 or 4 that are the same. The selection available at Things Of is limited. This item is perfect to either bring some colour to your outfit or if you love something special and unique that you won't find in every other shop. Definitely a beautiful "must have" item if you love bold colours, lots of detailing and something "different". These bags are handmade and may have some small flaws which are part of their character